@mrkbrnd I am not sure if this helps for your projects but have you tried the Deno Extension?
I am not a TS/node/npm super-user but somehow I found deno LSP pretty impressive for JS and TS projects.
I Just came across it myself recently, when I was migrating from all things node/npm to Deno.land for good out of personal frustration!
Considering you are probably working in node/npm projects you do not need to even do anything to leverage the Deno LSP. No setups required it should just just work!
Needless to say just make sure you turn off the TS extension before trying the Deno.
The only problem I had with it, was this issue regarding the cache
code action but that should not matter in your case if you are using it in node/npm projects?
Hopefully it will be fixed in the near future by either Panic or the Extension Maintainers