Hi Gwyneth,
Thanks for the links and the ideas. You are right—what I plan to do is get a parser that can output into this format properly. Apple’s initializer for HTML, while with the right intention, has its own faults and issues that we have dealt with in the past, which sort of wrote it off as an option right away.
Generally, though, this comes down to: at the moment, Nova’s development team is about 80% just me as our engineering teams have been strained with other projects, so I just haven’t had the time to fully move through all of the work that our developers have been interested in on top of the bug-fix workload that we’ve been coordinating with our support and QA teams. Note: I definitely don’t want that to appear as an excuse, though. I hope to be able to swing back around to more work on the LSP side soon, as I definitely understand how important it is to a lot of our extension developers.
As always, thank you for your feedback and I’m happy you all are so invested and willing to work with us to make Nova better.