I saw recently that Nova fixed a bug with LanguageClient to allow extensions to implement custom LSP requests. I can now see that my code inside of the handler for onRequest
is being called but it seems that what I return does not get sent in the request’s response.
My code
I can see my debug statements being called in the extension console, but it seems to always pass null
back in the response?
client.onRequest("custom/schema/request", ([uri]: [string]) => {
debug("custom/schema/request", uri);
const editor = nova.workspace.textEditors.find(
(e) => e.document.uri === uri
if (!editor) return [];
const text = editor.document.getTextInRange(
new Range(0, editor.document.length)
const apiVersion = /^apiVersion: +(\S+)$/m.exec(text);
const kind = /^kind: +(\S+)$/m.exec(text);
if (!apiVersion || !kind) return [];
debug("custom/schema/request", [apiVersion[1], kind[1]]);
return [{ uri: "kubernetes", name: kind[1], description: apiVersion[1] }];
The request
The response
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"yaml\/registerCustomSchemaRequest","params":null}Content-Length: 38
Also, should the ids match up?