Layout error for enum fields when description has more than 41 characters

If using radio buttons for enum values, and the description for those fields has more than 41 characters, the layout of the radio buttons shifts (looks like extra padding / margin added around the first radio-button in the list).

Config values to reproduce the screenshot are below.


            "title": "Javascript Lookup Resource",
            "description": "Specify where queries originating from Javascript files should be sent. Duck Duck Go's \"I'm feeling ducky\" search will redirect to the correct page *most* of the time.",
            "type": "section",
                    "key": "runcoderun.rcr_lookup.js_lookup_resource",
                    "type": "enum",
                    "title": "Javascript Reference",
                        ["ddg", " via Duck Duck Go"],
                        ["moz", ""],
                        ["other", "Use 'Other URL' below"],
                    "description": "123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 1",
                    "default": "ddg"
                    "key": "runcoderun.rcr_lookup.js_lookup_resource-other",
                    "title": "Other URL",
                    "description": "Type in the URL, substituting %s for the search parameter.",
                    "type": "string",
                    "placeholder": "\\site:EXAMPLE.COM+TOPIC+%s",
            "title": "CSS Lookup Resource",
            "description": "Specify where queries originating from CSS files should be sent. Duck Duck Go's \"I'm feeling ducky\" search will redirect to the first search result, which is correct *most* of the time.",
            "type": "section",
                    "key": "runcoderun.rcr_lookup.css_lookup_resource",
                    "title": "CSS Reference",
                    "type": "enum",
                    "description": "123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12",
                        ["moz", " via Duck Duck Go"],
                        ["can", ""],
                        ["other", "Use 'Other URL' below"],
                    "default": "moz"
                    "key": "runcoderun.rcr_lookup.css_lookup_resource-other",
                    "title": "Other URL",
                    "description": "Type in the search URL, substituting %s for the search parameter.",
                    "type": "string",
                    "placeholder": "\\site:EXAMPLE.COM+TOPIC+%s",
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