Nova doesn't seem to advertise all capabilities in LanguageClient page

In LanguageClient API reference it says Nova supports workspace.didChangeConfiguration however during initialization the LanguageClient doesn’t seem to advertise that:

  "capabilities": {
    "workspace": {
      "configuration": true,
      "applyEdit": true,
      "executeCommand": {},
      "workspaceFolders": true,
      "workspaceEdit": {
        "failureHandling": "undo",
        "documentChanges": true,
        "resourceOperations": ["create", "rename", "delete"]
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This appears to be because the only capabilities “option” for didChangeConfiguration is dynamicRegistration, which Nova does not support. So instead of sending an empty object it’s not setting the key. We could definitely modify this to send the empty object instead!

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Yep that’d be highly appreciated! I think an empty object or an object with { dynamicRegistration: false } would be more semantically correct in this context, thank you :heart:

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