Better Folding Actions support for all Folding Roles/Regions


So Nova supports an optional roles for folding regions as per the API documentation see, Folding Role.
This is actually a great feature, allowing users to fold and unfold specific regions granularly with simple commands or key bindings of the choice. I am personally a none stop user of the feature myself but there are shortcomings…

The feature is not fully implemented. Looking at the key bindings and the commands, Nova only supports folding for comments or functions & methods, rendering the other roles pretty useless…

I was hoping if Nova could add more actions/keybindings/commands to include all of the folding regions shown in the documentation. This is actually very handy when developing for framework based templating engines.

To give you an example lets say in blade, we have directives that have been assigned block as a role, and of course we have the usual html markups. Now for the user to go into zen mode, and focus on a feature at a time, it is not possible to simply fold all tags nor blocks with a simple command. The have to fold manually from the sidebar left hand side and fold them one at the time…
