To echo somewhat: we didn’t just poll Twitter, we also took customer feedback during Nova’s pre-beta development period in 2018 as we A/B tested a lot of aspects of it, and the response from the majority of the Coda 2 users who participated was that very few did actually rely on the MySQL integration (albeit the few that did expressed as much, and we weighed it in our decisions). The same feedback is what solidified our decision not to reimplement Subversion support alongside Git.
I totally understand that for developers who rely on heavy SQL database work day-to-day it’d be a wonderful addition, however as Bryan says, adding something akin to Coda 2’s support back would be a massive undertaking for us. The foundation used for it in Coda 2 was pretty much literally the Sequel Pro codebase wrapped up into a framework (and from what I remember, Sequel Ace was forked from the same codebase after Sequel Pro stopped being actively developed.)
The other major aspect of it that drove our decision in 2018/2019 was that Sequel Pro’s codebase at the time really only worked with MySQL databases. As adoption of Postgres was advancing to meet or surpass MySQL as the most used RDBM a rapid pace at the time, as well as the widespread adoption of SQLite for smaller applications, retrofitting the codebase to support either was going to be a huge undertaking for our team, which wasn’t something we could reasonably approach (especially consider we didn’t develop that particular codebase in the first place, adding another barrier of entry, as it were.)
Approaching such a feature again today would likely mean either finding a different codebase we could work with and tightly integrate into Nova which does support Postgres (and maybe SQLite) in addition to MySQL, which introduces a whole host of licensing questions (we had a mutual agreement of some kind with the Sequel Pro folks for Coda 2 since it was a commercial app like Nova, IIRC), or instead developing a new codebase from scratch. To be honest, neither of these are particularly likely.
Developing a new codebase is especially unlikely, because (as many know) our development team at Panic is small (our apps engineering team is effectively four people total for Nova, Transmit, and Prompt) and we are already fully occupied with our current development milestones laid out over probably the next few years (barring anything of supreme importance coming along, we roughly know what big things we’ll be working on next, and after that, and after that, etc.). It’s just a matter of budgeting time and person power.
I know this really isn’t what some folks want to hear, but unfortunately it’s just sort of the truth of the matter. The feature wasn’t used much by the overall community, so we can’t justify developing it again and then maintaining that support going forward. It’s always something we can re-evaluate as time goes by, like here in this discussion. But for now, nothing regarding it has changed.