Can't get TreeView.reveal() to expand more than 1 level deep

Another user had the same issue here, but never answered.

I’m not able to get nested treeviews to expand more than one level deep when using treeview.reveal()

treeView.reveal(element, { reveal: 3 });

Both have the same behavior. Treeitem is revealed and only first ancestor is expanded, despite specifying I want it to expand 3 levels deep.

Is there some special way to get this to work? I’m pretty sure all my tree items have unique identifiers.

treeView.reveal(element, { reveal: 0 });

The above doesn’t even work either. If I say I don’t want any ancestors to expand, it still expands the first parent.

Bumping this because the reveal option of treeView.reveal is still not working.

The select and focus options work fine. It’s just the reveal option that seems to do nothing.

treeView.reveal(element, { select: false, focus: true, reveal: 3 })

Even if I set reveal to zero, it still expands the first ancestor, so it is clearly broken.

I am certain that my getParent method is implemented in my tree data provider, it gets called when treeview.reveal is called, and it returns the correct parent.