Help with tree-sitter symbolication

I’m currently creating a tree-sitter syntax for OCaml, and so far everything has been working well.
I’m trying to implement symbolication, but I’m having trouble getting it to work?
I’m using tree-sitter-ocaml found on Github: Github repo.
I have tried adding #set! expressions on multiple definition, but it doesn’t create the symbols.
For example:

  (comment)? @doc .
        pattern: (value_name) @name
        pattern: (value_name) @name
        body: [(fun_expression) (function_expression)])
    ] @definition.function
  (#strip! @doc "^\\(\\*\\*?\\s*|\\s\\*\\)$")

And I changed it to:

  (comment)? @doc .
        pattern: (value_name) @name
        pattern: (value_name) @name
        body: [(fun_expression) (function_expression)])
    ] @definition.function
  (#strip! @doc "^\\(\\*\\*?\\s*|\\s\\*\\)$")
  (#set! role function)

(added the last line)

But this doesn't work at all.
Is there something I'm missing, could someone help me with that? I've also tried to find solutions in the doc but it didn't help much...


I think you need to set the Symbol Region. I don’t know OCaml, but I pretty much only used the @subtree capture for regions.