In search of a more agile auto-suggestion function

Today I seek a more agile context sensitive auto-suggestion function for inline style property values.
E.g. I start an inline style declaration thus:

  1. I type <div st
  2. the (style=“”) option appears. [wow! great! love it!] I select this option.
  3. now I’ve got: <div style=“”
  4. I move cursor between the quotes and type te
  5. the (text-align: ) attribute option appears. [Excelsior!] I select it.
  6. now I’ve got: <div style="text-align: "
  7. now for the value. Thinking “center” I type c and get a list of pretty much useless color options, really nothing relevant in this context…
  8. I keep typing and discover I have to provide the entire word center

Read: iceberg of disappointment.

The functionality I seek is present in Coda, what darlings, happened with Nova?
Am I dreaming that it is reasonable to expect Nova v11.2 would include the feature for which I yearn?
Truthfully, I can live with it as is, but had to ask in case I’m simply missing the correct setting, or possibly a plugin.
I have been waiting all thru Nova v10 for this to start working as expected.
And today I paid for the upgrade to v11.2 which is awesome BTW. But alas, no joy. :sob:
So here I am, pleading my likely pointless case, advocating for a fix I may never see, in the remote hope that some kind and forgiving soul will take pity on my plight and lead me toward the promised land.
Thanks for listening. I love you guys, and I love Nova. And in any case, I will bring you donuts again the next time I visit Portland.
Until then, have fun, code safe, and keep up the good work. Thank you.
With big hugs, and much love, I remain,
Your devoted customer,
BodhiJi :heartpulse: :sparkles: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hello Bodhiji,

It sounds like what you are describing is less a feature request, and more of a bug specific to HTML style completions. Results for those CSS property values are not being offered if the cursor is placed directly before a preceding closing " character.

We’ve noted this and will investigate further. Thank you for your feedback.

Beautiful. Thank you Logan for your very prompt and kind reply. I look forward to hearing from you again soon! With gratitude, with appreciation, BodhiJi

Update. Tried your suggestion. Backspaced to the colon in "text-align: ". Typed c and got the expected completions value: center
Color me pleased, a bit chagrined, and very grateful for your kind nudge pointing me in the right direction.
Many thanks!