Javascript Tree-Sitter Language Symbols and subtree

The symbol detections in “symbols.scm” of the built-in Javascript Language omits literal objects among others.

So I made a regex language to explore the issue and manage to get it working. Then I move to do the same with tree-sitter. I got my language extension which is just the stock “tree-sitter-javascript” grammar.

I only worked on my “symbols.scm” and got the literal objects to be included in the symbol tree. Yet…

No matter what I try I can’t get the members like functions (“pair”) to be listed in the subtree. (I was able to do it in my regex version.)

Any pointer will be appreciated.

PS: I don’t plan to publish the language extension, I just wanted to work our what I wanted and send a new Feature Request to Nova.

; symbols.scm
; My code is on top of other queries...
; Literal object assignment
	left: [
	  (identifier) @name
	  (member_expression) @name
	right: [
	] @subtree
  (#set! role variable)

; Literal object declaration
	(comment)* @doc
			name: (identifier) @name
			value: [(object) (object_pattern)]
		) @subtree @_object.literal
	(#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$")
	(#select-adjacent! @doc @_object.literal)
	(#set! role variable)

; Literal object declaration
	(comment)* @doc
		name: (identifier) @name
		value: [(object) (object_pattern)]
		) @subtree @_object.literal
	(#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$")
	(#select-adjacent! @doc @_object.literal)
	(#set! role variable)

My testing language is here:

I finally got it to work with these query in my “symbols.scm”:

; Object Pairs
  key: (property_identifier) @name
  value: [
  ] @subtree)
  (#set! role function)
   key: (property_identifier) @name @displayname
   value: [
   ] @subtree)
   (#set! role class)

; Literal object assignment
	left: [
	  (identifier) @name
	  (member_expression) @name
	right: [
	] @subtree
  (#set! role variable)