[Nova11b2]Git merge failed

I had the following scenario: Working on a feature branch ‘assigned_exposures’, committed 3 files to it. Two of the files were modified outside of Nova, but properly recognised as modified. Switched to ‘main’ branch. From the git sidebar, I right clicked ‘assigned_exposures’ branch and ‘merge into “main”…’. The result was this message:
Bildschirmfoto 2023-04-26 um 20.45.32.

In terminal, ran a ‘git status’ which resulted in:
‘On branch main
Your branch is up to date with ‘origin/main’.
nothing to commit, working tree clean’
A subsequent ‘git merge assigned_exposures’ from terminal returned a ‘Fast-forward’ without any problems.
Hope this description helps to chase down the error.
Cheers Chris

Seems to be fixed with 11.1 :smiley: